Silverstripe 3.2: clean up the CMS

As seen in this interesting talk about useful Silverstripe Modules (video) at StripeCon15 it's possible to add some extra css to LeftAndMain to style the backend experience. As things have changed a bit in SS 3.2 I updated that example a bit.

The good news: the CSS selectors are still the same, so you can add the extra required css using yml config, as LeftAndMain::require_css() is deprecated. So let's add this to the /mysite/config.yml

      media: screen

And here is my leftandmain.css that also fixes some other issues:

/* hide disabled page types in "Add Page" dialog */
#Form_AddForm_PageType .disabled {
	display: none;

/* hide menu button */
li#Menu-Help {
	display: none !important;

/* fix a bug with fluent in 3.2 */
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-fluent-selector .text {
	display: none;
.cms-menu.collapsed .cms-fluent-selector .cms-fluent-selector-locales {
	left: 0;
	right: auto;

/* hide user switcher when menu is collapsed */
.cms-menu.collapsed #Form_UserSwitcherForm {
	display: none;


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